=== All in One Webmaster === Contributors: Crunchify Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8ZF6WATLYFELQ Tags: All in One Webmaster, Webmaster, Pinterest, SEO, Google, Bing, Google Analytics, Alexa, Blog Central, Quantcast, Facebook Insights, Search Engine Optimization, JQuery, ToolTips, Crunchify Premium Plugin, All in One Webmaster Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.1 - Beta 2 Stable tag: 9.6 Sitemap submission to Google & Bing. Webmaster option 4 Google,Bing,Facebook,etc. Analytics option 4 Google, Quantcast, Clicky, Compete == Description == If you already know about the word SEO then you probably know about such webmasters tools like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These tools help us to rank well in search engines just by getting a copy of our blog sitemap there in webmaster central. Doing this, the robots of these biggest search engines sit in our blog database and whenever a new is published there in our blogs these robots knock the search engines about the new posts and get our posts indexed. This is very Simple but Powerful All in One Webmaster Tool for All WordPress Users. It adds your requested meta tags into header and java script code to footer of your blog. This plugin allows you to easily integrate them with your blog. It has option to add Google, Bing, Alexa, Blog Catalog, Yahoo's Webmaster and Analytics code (meat tags). Single click sitemap submission to Google and Bing. In addition to that it has option to add tracking code for Clicky, Quantcast, Compete.com, SiteMeter.com analytics!! Site-Verification-Option, Google XML sitemap submission. There are more to come in next releases. Subscribe to Twitter and Facebook to get **latest update**: [Twitter](http://twitter.com/Crunchify) | [Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/Crunchify) | [Feedback](http://crunchify.com/all-in-one-webmaster/) | [Screenshots - Admin Panel and Preview](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-webmaster/screenshots/) **Features** * Brand new dedicated plugin menu * Facebook page insights, admin insights, app insights options * Google Authorship Options * Google Tag Manager Integration (New in v10.1) * Header / Footer Section * Misc Options - Add Global Site Favicon Option * Now no need to install more plugins. You can just copy the code of any services in a textarea. No more things to do. * NEW: Updates the Asynchronous Tracking snippet to the latest version provided by Google * Warning/Success/Failure messages on sitemap submission * [Feedback](http://crunchify.com/all-in-one-webmaster/) **Analytics Option for** * Google Analytics - Universal Analytics * Quantcast * GetClicky * Compete.com * SiteMeter.com **Webmaster Option for** 1. Google Webmaster Tools 2. Bing Webmaster Tools 3. Yandex Search Engine (New) 4. Pinterest Webmaster (New) 5. Alexa Ranks 6. BlogCatalog 7. Facebook Insights 8. Google Tag manager == Installation == 1. Unpack the `download-package`. 2. Upload the file to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. 4. Configure the options under Admin Panel `AIO Webmaster -> List of all Options`. 5. Done and Ready. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I find respective META-tags? = * Visit these tutorials for: Google Webmaster Meta Tag, Bing Webmaster Meta Tag, Alexa Rank Meta Tag. = Where should I put Google, Bing, Yahoo Webmaster, etc META-tags? = * Visit links provided in `Settings -> All in One Webmaster` to get your META tag. This is an easiest way to authenticate your sites. = Google Analytics Account ID = * Find an Account ID, starting with UA- in your Google Analytics's Account overview page. = I have updated all my options but why am I not able to authenticate to site or don't see analytics? = * I assume that `wp_head()` and `wp_footer()` are there in your theme. According to the WordPress documentation both functions are theme-dependent which means that it is up to the author of each WordPress theme to include it. If one of the hooks is not in your theme, you could add it yourself by adding `` to your header.php file of your theme or `` to footer.php. = Where do I get latest updates on plugin? = * On Twitter and Facebook. = How can I add more service meta tags which are not listed here? = * No worries. You can add those service's HTML code into text area provided in admin panel. = Got a Question? = * Please report your questions or bugs at Plugin Homepage. == Screenshots == 1. All New All in One Webmaster Main Menu 2. Webmaster Options 3. Analytics Options 4. Google Authorship Options 5. Header / Footer Section 6. Sitemap Submission to Google / Bing 7. Favicon for your Blog Option == Changelog == = 9.6 = * New: Pinterest Meta-Tag Verification Added. * Bug fixes = 9.5 = * New: Yandex Meta-Tag Verification Added. Russian biggest search engine. * Minor bug fixes = 9.4 = * Compatibility with WordPress 4.0 * Now on Github. Found a bug and want to contribute? Please fork repo and start enhancing plugin. = 9.3 = * Google Analytics code change as per official change. Now no need to specify domain name. * [More Info](http://crunchify.com/all-in-one-webmaster/) = 9.2 = * Bug fixes * Compatibility with WordPress 3.9.1 = 9.1 = * Number of Bug fixes = 9.0 = * Major Plugin Updated with all below additional options. You may need to fill all options again as this upgrade went through major design change. * With Popular Demand added back Header / Footer Section * Google Authorship Options * Add Favicon to your Site Option * Submit Sitemaps to Google / Bing Option * Google Tag Manager - Digital marketing made (much) easier - Verification Script Added * Fixed duplicate Facebook Insight Option * Additional CSS files removed * Additional JS files removed * Better Initialization of Plugin * Speed Boost-Up with code refactoring * Lots of Bug fixes * [More Info](http://crunchify.com/all-in-one-webmaster/) = 8.3.1 = * Compatibility with WordPress 3.7.1. * Bug Fixes = 8.3.0 = * Compatibility with WordPress 3.1 * Placed.com company has decided to decommission the Placed Analytics product for strategic business reasons, hence removing it from plugin too. = 8.2.9 = * WordPress 3.6 compatibility = 8.2.8 = * Updated Compete Analytics Code. Thanks to www.compete.com team for updated code snippet. = 8.2.7 = * Code Cleanup. Removed unused Header/Footer Section. * Getting ready for Premium Version. = 8.2.6 = * Google Analytics Script updated to "Universal Analytics". Enhancement Includes: * Custom Dimensions & metrics * Online/Offline data sync * Multi-platform tracking * Simplified configuration controls * Advanced advertisement tools * NOTE: Please revisit "Analytics Options" tab and enter newly introduced "Domain Name" field in new Universal Analytics.